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Big Things Are Afoot!

Writer's picture: BobbyOBobbyO

Greetings fellow Earth Stewards, Community Builders and Radical Raccoons! We know, you haven’t heard much from us for a while, but for good reason. We’ve been busy working on our biggest project yet! Hoping to serve as an inspiration to The World! This particular project has taken a lot of time, effort and planning, years; in fact. It’s so big you’re going to be able to watch it on The Discovery Channel (if you do that sort of thing)! If you don’t have any access, find a friend (or local watering hole type place) that does!

Here’s what we did and a little taste of what’s in store for the World this Fall.

Twelve of us got together and raised funds for 55 Acres of raw land in rural Missouri. We then decided to invite a bunch of people we barely knew and mixed it all in with some visitors that have never, ever even camped before, much less tried their hands at living in an off-grid community! This non-stop roller-coaster of an event filled with fires, wild storms, planting, building, music, fun and adventure forged a brand new community amidst the trials of communal life and we got it all on camera for you to enjoy! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll yell at the screen…in the end we hope you’ll be inspired to pitch in and get some land with some friends (maybe people you barely know). Or leave all that up to us and make a donation!

We’ve yet to get the exact release date, but as soon as we know, you will too!

Thank you all for your continued support and keep on pushing forward!

Much Love!




Jan 30, 2024

Watched the documentary! LOVE the concept, the group, and the level of consciousness! That film crew though, uhgh, they really tried to create conflict, like purposely. I am confident those with eyes to see will disregard that weird, staged test and see how your response was consistently kind and open to scrutiny. Bravo! The crew and visitors, not open to scrutiny--hiding something there, like maybe a hidden agenda? Maybe they just picked the individuals who were only motivated by Fear and Selfishness? That stuff spreads, like head lice. Heck, they could make Auroville, India look like a cult: "A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under…


I can’t wait to show all I can find about you guys to my husband. This lifestyle of yours is his dream


©2021 by the People's Project.
The People's Project is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible.

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